Blue Diamond




Cultivating Fans’ Passions Into Something Bigger Than Ourselves

Blue Diamond’s almonds and almond milk are loved by the most passionate fans who’ll go the extra mile to find their favorite flavor and write reviews online that could be mistaken as love letters. On social, we want to cultivate fans’ passions into something bigger than ourselves, fostering a community of folks with an unparalleled love for the Blue Diamond brand by fulfilling their craziest dreams and showing them love back.

Superfans All on a Superfood

In this fun, bold social initiative, we tapped artist Hoang Tran (@mumblestohimself) to create almond masterpieces by carving Superfan faces into their favorite Superfood. By submitting a selfie to @BlueDiamond using #SuperfanSelfies, fans had a chance to have their faces carved into an almond via live stream on the brand’s Twitter page. A total of 20 almonds were uniquely carved and sent out to fans, influencers and media.

Going Bananas On Social:
Almond Breeze's TikTok Musical

To launch the brand’s TikTok channel, we turned the Internet’s beloved almond milk into the first-ever TikTok musical. Featuring real fans as the stars of the show via duet auditions, the 6-part musical series tells a high school love story about how Banana and Almond fall for each other and blend their love. Original songs were composed by Disney musical director John Glaudini and the set was designed and directed by artist Taylor Lee Nicholson.


Taste of Victory

Thirty years ago, in Tokyo, four jubilant winning athletes bit into their medals for the first time and we’ve seen athletes bite into their medals ever since. For the 2020 Tokyo game, with athletes being required to wear masks, there may not be any medal-biting at all. That’s why Blue Diamond is giving fans the chance to do the biting instead, but with their very own XTREMES Medal made out of Blue Diamond spicy XTREMES almonds. When fans see their favorite athlete win, they can tweet @BlueDiamond with #TasteofVictory for a chance to receive their very own XTREMES Medal.


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